FASHION: DIY- swimsuit cover

I'm sure you all have seen Andrea's Choice very creative video on how to make a super cute bikini cover up!! If not, come out from under that rock and check out the video here :p Now, I don't have an old cotton dress, so for my first try I opt for an old pencil skirt that got oil stained. This is what I did 1. Put card board between the skirt to avoid nipping the other side of the skirt. Then I start slowly cutting it into strips until I reach the waist band. 2. I gently pull each string so they become rounded 3. I carefully tie adjacent strings together in knots, row by row (watch the video) 4. I cut off the bottom hem/fold and tag Not too shabby!! (OUTFIT with a real bikini next time, lol) Next time I will try it wi...