
UPDATE!!! From Summer

 It's bin 5 months and I'm back with a quick update!! Don't we love those?! Ok so happy ☀️ Summer. Hope all is well with all my J Readers. Thanks for coming back 💚 Please keep up with me on other social media platforms. Youtube: jenstylejenlife IG: jenstylejenlife X: renneac TikTok: Jenstylejenlife Let's goooo I'm still at the post office. Many changes happening. Many things to think about future wise. I'm glad and grateful to be employed. I've bin getting around and wearing some chill outfits  We went to EDGE for his bday Anna is doing amazing in school and she's in swimming class. She looks so much bigger since her last post in January. God is good! Blessings

Anna OOTD #30

Another Anna post. Dont we love those?!?!  She loves sets, just like her mama. I get these from Cookies mostly. I love the color combo of this.   Blessings J

Winter Ready Sets

Winter in coming in slowly but surly. Can't believe today (01.09.24) was 52 degrees! Picked up 3 sweat suit sets from the local shops, Danice and Mandee. Good quality, fits well, inexpensive... This Danice set is a statement. Although "QUEEN" printed, because of the color, it will be pretty easy to mix and match. Size M- True to size I'm in love with this color and the fuzzy NY print. Hoodie is L and pants M. Extremely soft and cozy. I already wore this green Danice set. The hoodie runs a bit small but the compliments were still rolling in. Size M Wore this on 3 times since this post. Love!  Which set is your fave?? Follow my blog to comment

Anna OOTD #29

Happy New Year J Readers!!! Clearing out the drafts.  4th grade Picture day forAnna-Leah!!! Yes, I said 4th grade...Lawd Outfit & hair accessories from SHEIN. So cute!!! Boots: Target Blessings Jen

Comfy Shopping OOTD

File this look under comfy cozy trendy outfits. I'm obsessed with sweatshirts atm. This one is from Primark, xs. Yes, they run big.  Paired it with cargos from Target and grey Ugg boots...perfect.  Rate this look Blessings, J

4 Simple Holiday Outfit Ideas

Happy Holidays!! Hope you all are well this season, gearing up for the New Year! Too early to talk resolutions?? Anyway Here are 4 looks I came up with that's Holiday appropriate for various activities. Dressy top & Pencil Skirt  Red lip w/ animal Print Red & Denim Pleated Skirt w/Sneakers Which look is your favorite and where would you wear it to? Blessings, J  

Mommy and Me: Cargo Outfits #4

Jay Readers,  Anna's outfits is from Primark with Ugg boots. My sweatshirt (my new found love) is also from Primark and cargoes from F21                     ...My baby is almost 9!! Blessings. J