
Showing posts from April, 2018

Living with a Toddler?- My Advice

If you didn't know I have a 3 y/o. (And a 5 y/o step son) Though the terrible 2s faze  is long gone, I'm still faced with a demanding, temper tantrum throwing 3 year old. I once asked a friend if it (parenthood) ever gets easier as the child gets older, she said... "No, just different" So far, it seems like she was right. Here are some tips I use to help balance things out. 1. Always listen to your child - they love being heard, so give them a chance to share their views. You always want them to know that their " voice" matters. 2. Allow him to vent - even as adults we need some space/ time to let it out. Allow your child to do just that... every now and then. 3. Always remain calm - this is a tough one, especially (for me) when you get to that point where you've had  enough. Speak stern but calm and  vent in private (preferably through prayer) Listen, it gets tough sometimes. 4.No is no ...

Semi Casual feat. All black + Denim

Jacket: Rainbow Boots: Necessary Clothing  Blessings J

Semi Casual feat. all Rainbow everything!

Hey J readers From now one my posts  will be titled according to the type  of style I'm rocking. I think it will be more interesting that way... yes? You can comment down below and let me know. Also a change is coming... Did you notice? I'm hoping to incorporate more everyday living posts on here. I hope you enjoy as much as me. Top:Rainbow Jeans: Rainbow Bag: Rainbow Shoes: Rainbow Well ok then Rainbow... Blessings J

How to Pray?

A lot of people see praying as a task...and make it more complicated  than it should be, which results in them not praying all together. Think of God as a friend...a very good friend; your bff...and talk to him as such.  In the past I thought there were rules to  praying...certain steps to be taken... Nope. HE just wants you to touch base on the reg. like any good friend would. Here are some tips for you...if needed. - pray to yourself anytime/anywhere. Give thanks, ask for guidance/advice. (Just as you would your close friend... Nothing complicated.) - try to put some time aside each day dedicated to prayer and only prayer. (No mutitasking) Find a quiet/ special place to Pray  - Always give thanks and praise...for even the little things. Personal Tip: I always pray for a closer relationship with Him and a clean heart. -thank God in faith  for answering your prayers Hope this was helpful. B...

Flat Iron Routine - Pin Straight Results

Hey J readers This is what I usually do when I straighten my hair. It took me a while to find a routine that works for me.    1.  pre poo hair- this helps soften/ moisturize and detangle hair. -Use any oil of your choice. - Overnight is best **my choice- JML island oil & castor oil 2. Shampoo and Condition hair - Use any shampoo and conditioner of your choice **what I use at the moment... - co-wash - conditioner - shampoo 3. Deep condition hair for added moisture and softness. **what I use at the moment -cholesterol -moisture No heat- 30 mins minimum under  shower cap Heat cap/dryer- 15 mins minimim NOTE: Rinse with cool water 4.Add leave in conditioner- NO Creams! **what I use at the moment Add (a light) oil **what I use at the moment Add heat protectant **what I use at the moment -Detangle hair(wide tooth comb) 5. Blow dry hair -High setting & Med heat -Dry comp...


Sweater from Pretty Girl $6 Denim Jacket from Rainbow $25 Blessings J

Sharing the WORD

The Temple of Restoration My Notes DO NOT LET FEAR OVERTAKE YOUR LIFE Fear is not of God and it leads to worry. Nothing good comes from worrying. It only leads to bad/negative thoughts which adds even more negativity to the issue and prolongs it. "Help me to stay positive knowing that You will makes things better. My faith And trust is in You" Numbers 6:24-26 **Let go and let God  CHILDREN WATCH THE ACTIONS  OF THEIR PARENTS  Be a positive role model for your children. They look up to you and also mimic what you do. Be sure you are setting the right examples for them. " Help me to be a good parent. Guide me to make the best decisions for my children" DON'T DREAM ACCORDING TO YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  DREAM ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH Though things may seem bleak right now, it doesn't mean your future  will be the same. You have goals and dreams?  See yourself there, work towards them and n...

Camo Cardigan- Look 2/2

This is my 2nd time blogging this dress and I havent officially wore it yet! Can't wait for summer. Happy Easter! Blessings J