How to Pray?

A lot of people see praying as a
task...and make it more complicated 
than it should be, which
results in them not praying all together.

Think of God as a friend...a very good friend;
your bff...and talk to him as such. 

In the past I thought there were rules to 
praying...certain steps to be taken...
HE just wants you to touch base
on the reg. like any good friend would.

Here are some tips for you...if needed.

- pray to yourself anytime/anywhere.
Give thanks, ask for guidance/advice.
(Just as you would your close friend...
Nothing complicated.)

- try to put some time aside each day
dedicated to prayer and only prayer. (No mutitasking)
Find a quiet/ special place to Pray 

- Always give thanks and praise...for
even the little things.

Personal Tip: I always pray for a closer relationship with Him and a clean heart.

-thank God in faith
 for answering your prayers

Hope this was helpful.



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