Living with a Toddler?- My Advice
If you didn't know I have a 3 y/o.
(And a 5 y/o step son)
(And a 5 y/o step son)
Though the terrible 2s faze
is long gone, I'm still faced with
a demanding, temper tantrum throwing
3 year old.
I once asked a friend if it (parenthood) ever gets easier as the child gets older, she said...
"No, just different"
So far, it seems like she was right.
Here are some tips I use to help
balance things out.
1. Always listen to your child
- they love being heard, so give them
a chance to share their views.
You always want them to know
that their " voice" matters.
2. Allow him to vent
- even as adults we need some space/ time
to let it out. Allow your child to do
just that... every now and then.
3. Always remain calm
- this is a tough one, especially (for me)
when you get to that point where you've had
enough. Speak stern but calm and
vent in private (preferably through prayer)
Listen, it gets tough sometimes.
4.No is no
Never, ever under any circumstances
go back on your "no".
Once you say no stick to it.
There would be tantrums and sad faces
but you have to stand firm on this.
A no followed by an "ok"/"yes"/"sure"
will make your toddler more persistant
in the future thinking that
you would give in eventually every time.
5.Give time outs
I stopped spanking Anna (my 3 y/o...
unless she does something very bad)
Time outs and taking away her
favorite toys seem to do the trick right now.
Make sure to tell her why she's on
time out.
6. Always show love.
Don't forget to hug your child often.
Let them know how great they are
for example "you're so much fun",
"you're so cool", "you're such a good person"
I try to limit the cute, pretty, handsome compliments...
for example "you're so much fun",
"you're so cool", "you're such a good person"
I try to limit the cute, pretty, handsome compliments...
7. Speak clearly to her
Meaning, use of big words are ok.
Get ready to explain the meaning
of words even if your toddler doesn't
ask "what's that?"
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
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