Flat Iron Routine - Pin Straight Results

  1. Hey J readers
  2. This is what I usually do when
  3. I straighten my hair.
  4. It took me a while to find a routine
  5. that works for me.
   1.  pre poo hair- this helps soften/ moisturize and detangle hair.
-Use any oil of your choice.
- Overnight is best
**my choice- JML island oil & castor oil

2. Shampoo and Condition hair
- Use any shampoo and conditioner of your choice
**what I use at the moment...
- co-wash

- conditioner

- shampoo

3. Deep condition hair for added moisture and softness.
**what I use at the moment


No heat- 30 mins minimum under
 shower cap
Heat cap/dryer- 15 mins minimim
NOTE: Rinse with cool water

4.Add leave in conditioner- NO Creams!
**what I use at the moment

Add (a light) oil
**what I use at the moment

Add heat protectant
**what I use at the moment

-Detangle hair(wide tooth comb)

5. Blow dry hair
-High setting & Med heat
-Dry completely
-Add a bit more oil if necessary

6. Flat Iron hair
- small sections
- comb chase method  (mandatory)
- 415 degree setting 
- Style as desired

I have not yet perfected the overnight
up keep of my straight hair.
Wrapping might be best but I don't 
like doing it *sigh*
I sleep with a bonet on

I hope this was helpful



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